Explain plan is available for which statements?





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Correct Option - abcd
Anush said

Option 1: SELECT

An "Explain plan" is typically available for SELECT statements in the context of a relational database management system (RDBMS). It is a feature that allows you to analyze and understand how the database engine will execute a given SELECT query. The explain plan provides insight into the query optimization process, including the order in which tables will be accessed, the indexes that will be used, and other details about how the database engine plans to retrieve and process the data to fulfill the SELECT query. This information is valuable for database administrators and developers to optimize query performance.

For INSERT (Option 2), UPDATE (Option 3), and DELETE (Option 4) statements, explain plans are typically not generated in the same way as they are for SELECT statements. These types of statements modify data in the database, and while you can often view information about the execution of such statements (e.g., the number of rows affected), the concept of an explain plan, as used for SELECT statements, doesn't apply directly to them. Instead, the database engine focuses on optimizing the execution of data modification statements for efficiency and data consistency.

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