Qtr No. 213, New Town Yehlanka Indore 454775
Identify the sample code with the correct usage of hasErrorText() method that accepts an argument of type Matcher<String> which refers the view’s (EditText) error string value and returns a matcher which matches the view using error string of the view. Also, It applies to TextView only.
onView(allOf(withId(R.id.editText_name), hasErrorText(is("name is required"))))
onView(withId(R.id.editText_name), hasErrorText(is("name is required"))))
onView(allOf(withId(id.R.editText_name), hasErrorText(is("name is required"))))
onView(withId(id.R.editText_name), hasErrorText(is("name is required"))))
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Qtr No. 213, New Town Yehlanka Indore 454775