Which of the following is used for building Docker images and creating Docker containers?

Docker Engine

Docker Hub

Docker Compose

None of these

Verified Answer
Correct Option - a
Anush said

Option 1: Docker Engine

Docker Engine is the core software component used for building Docker images and creating Docker containers. It provides the runtime environment and tools necessary to package applications into containers, run those containers, and manage containerized applications. Docker Engine includes the docker build command for building Docker images and the docker run command for creating and running Docker containers.

Options 2 and 3 are related to Docker but serve different purposes:

  • Docker Hub (Option 2) is a cloud-based registry service where you can store and share Docker images. It is not used for building images or creating containers directly but for hosting and distributing Docker images.

  • Docker Compose (Option 3) is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. It is used for managing the orchestration of multiple containers that work together as part of an application stack but is not specifically for building Docker images.

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